Friday Photo Tip | Get Low

To the windooooooww!

Sorry, that one’s for my fellow geriatric millennials… Anywhooo, this week’s Friday photo tip has nothing to do with Lil Jon and everything to do with getting your camera low for a better photo - especially when you’re photographing kids.

Often, when we photograph our kids it’s from the same angle — from our height looking down to theirs. While this can yield a fine photo, it also usually makes the ground the backdrop since we’re looking down. A better option is to simply get low. Crouch down, or just move your camera closer to their level and you’ll bring the background up and behind them. If you’re using your phone, you can even flip it upside down to get the camera closer to the ground (then just rotate the photo in the edit menu afterwards). This is a great strategy if you’re outside and wanting more of the natural backdrop in your photo.

So drop that **s—I mean camera… to the floor and get low for a great photo!!


Friday Photo Tip | Silhouettes


Lifestyle Photography Awards