Friday Photo Tip | Look & Laugh

We all love a good candid photo — a moment caught when the guard is down and there’s real emotion. It’s a smile that goes all the way to the eyes, or a belly laugh that just came naturally. BUT, we don’t always have time or the patience to wait for these moment to happen. And when they do, we likely don’t have our camera or phone in hand ready to go. So I’m going to give you a quick way to “fake” it when you have time for a snapshot, but you want it to seem candid.

I call it the “look and laugh”. And it’s really just that simple. I use it at all of my family and couple’s sessions and with my own family. Just tell those you’re photographing to “look at each other and laugh”! Out loud. With sound. In my experience, most fake laughter photographs like the real deal and nine times out of ten, the fake laughter turns into real laughter because of how absurd it seems!

So there you have it, the secret behind the majority of my laughing, “candid” client photos. The look and laugh!


Friday Photo Tip | Shoot Through


Friday Photo Tip | Silhouettes