Friday Photo Tip | Overcast

My two favorite lighting situations to shoot in are golden hour (that hour right after sunrise or right before sunset when the sun is low and dreamy gold!) and on overcast days.

Now, most of my clients tend to be disappointed if their session day comes along and it’s cloudy. I get it, that golden back-lighting is gorgeous, but don’t discount the beauty of an overcast day! When the clouds block the sun, they literally act as a giant light diffuser, sending soft, indirect light everywhere. The beauty of this is that you end up with gorgeous light pretty much anywhere you want to shoot. And if you’re a beginning/amateur photographer, these are GREAT days to practice.

So, my Friday photo tip this week is - get outside on the next overcast day and shoot anywhere and everywhere. The light will be forgiving and beautiful!

Friday Photo Tip, Overcast Day, Arlington VA Photographer
Friday Photo Tip, Overcast Day, Arlington VA Photographer
Friday Photo Tip, Overcast Day, Arlington VA Photographer
Friday Photo Tip, Overcast Day, Arlington VA Photographer

Want me to worry about the lighting? Let’s talk about a session!


Sneak Peek | McDonnell Family


Sneak Peek | Lok Family