Rory | My Last Studio Newborn

As you may know, I recently went through a rebranding with ALP and transitioned away from studio portraiture to on-location storytelling photography. Well, this morning that transition came to a close with my very last studio newborn session with beautiful baby Rory.

I debated whether to sneak peek these or not since I am no longer offering this type of session, but after 10 years of studio newborn sessions I feel the need to mark the occasion. And in no small part because Rory was a perfect final studio model.

I didn’t even see this little lady’s eye color until her end-of-session diaper change. She slept like a photographer’s dream and had zero complaints about any pose. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t tear up a little at the end of her session knowing she was my last newborn in studio.

She’s certainly not the last newborn for ALP, I’ll still be photographing your lovely babies in-home and on-location, but this is the final of over 200 studio newborn sessions in my 10-year career.

So along with her kind and gorgeous parents, please enjoy baby Rory’s sneak peek!



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