Welcome to the ALP Blog!

It’s a little bit business, a little bit personal, and a whole lot of real life. If you find something you love, please comment and share it!

Sneak Peek Amanda Lessner Sneak Peek Amanda Lessner

Sneak Peek | Catherine

And can I just say that she is so lucky to have a big brother like her Ryan. He’s 9, but when I asked him to play with his sister for a few photos, he said, “Oh, she LOVES playing tea party!” He grabs her purple

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Sneak Peek Amanda Lessner Sneak Peek Amanda Lessner

Sneak Peek | Purdy Family

This morning, I met the lovely Purdys here for their fourth family session with me! I have loved watching their family of little ladies grow over the years and they always leave me belly laughing at some point during their sessions.

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Sneak Peek Amanda Lessner Sneak Peek Amanda Lessner

Sneak Peek | Curtis Family

When clients agree to sunrise sessions my heart just sings! Light in the early morning is low and soft while the air is still cool and fresh. The Curtis’ met me at Bon Air Park in Arlington for just that kind of session this morning!

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