Welcome to the ALP Blog!

It’s a little bit business, a little bit personal, and a whole lot of real life. If you find something you love, please comment and share it!

Sneak Peek Amanda Lessner Sneak Peek Amanda Lessner

Sneak Peek | Melo Family

After all that talk about bubbles being my secret weapon for child sessions in my last post, I met my match yesterday with baby Lucien — a baby completely underwhelmed by bubbles! He smiled and laughed non-stop during photos with mom and dad, but the antidote was those bubbles…

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Photo Tips Amanda Lessner Photo Tips Amanda Lessner

Friday Photo Tip | Catchlights

To ensure there are catchlights in your subjects eyes, simply turn them into the light — or if they’re moving around, make sure you are photographing them with your back to the light so that they are facing it when you snap your image.

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Sessions Amanda Lessner Sessions Amanda Lessner

Bullock Family | Twin Newborns

The Bullocks have a sweet 2-year-old daughter, Amelia and just welcomed twins, Eloise and Henry! Watching them all interact during their lifestyle session was amazing. I could tell this  family was meant to have twins! 

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Photography Amanda Lessner Photography Amanda Lessner

Are Your Photos Safe?

It's morning. You sit down with your cup of coffee and boot up your computer. Today I'm FINALLY going to print those pictures from the baby's first birthday...and then it happens.

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