Sneak Peek | Baby Mack

The McHughs have welcomed a (quarantine) baby boy!

Going through the last few months of pregnancy and delivering during a pandemic is a challenge this sweet family was forced to face. Between a cancelled shower and no visitors at the hospital, it’s definitely a different experience!

Despite so many cancelled plans, the world started to open up just in time for a (masked and overly hand-sanitized) in-home newborn session! I had the honor of photographing Mack’s big brother, Tucker as a newborn and being asked back to do the same for this new little guy was such a joy! I love watching my client’s families grow and capturing memories for them at each awesome milestone!

And now, please enjoy the lovely McHugh’s sneak peek. (And a fun blooper at the end!)

In home Lifestyle newborn session, Virginia Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session, Bethesda, MD Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session, Bethesda, MD Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session, Bethesda, MD Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session, Bethesda, MD Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session, Bethesda, MD Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session, Bethesda, MD Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session, Bethesda, MD Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session, Bethesda, MD Photographer

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