Welcome to the ALP Blog!

It’s a little bit business, a little bit personal, and a whole lot of real life. If you find something you love, please comment and share it!

Sessions Amanda Lessner Sessions Amanda Lessner

Sneak Peek | Ashleigh

This sweet mama asked me to step outside of my normal family session routine and take some branding photos! Ashleigh is the work-at-home Mom of…

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Photo Tips Amanda Lessner Photo Tips Amanda Lessner

Friday Photo Tip | Uplighting

Naturally, most light falls on our faces from above — the sun, overhead lighting, etc. This is what our brain see as the most natural, pleasing way to light a face. It’s when we change our position that problems can occur…

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Business Amanda Lessner Business Amanda Lessner

The 3 Reasons I Rebranded

But then, about two weeks in, I turned off the TV (for me AND the kids…most days), spent more time outside and I slowly realized what a gift this time could be — a time to check off some things on that someday (read: never-day) list.

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Sessions Amanda Lessner Sessions Amanda Lessner

Bahler Family | Newborn Girl

About a week after baby Emma was born, the sweet Bahlers invited me into their gorgeous home for a lifestyle newborn session. I complimented Koko on her great taste in decor and eye for design. She shrugged and said, “Oh, that’s all Quincy!”…

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