Welcome to the ALP Blog!

It’s a little bit business, a little bit personal, and a whole lot of real life. If you find something you love, please comment and share it!

Sneak Peek Amanda Lessner Sneak Peek Amanda Lessner

Sneak Peek | T Family

Now, I’m not going to lie, when I arrived at the T’s home earlier today, little lady burst into TEARS! It was nearly bedtime and she was afraid mom was leaving her with me. Luckily, when she snuck a peek at the bubble machine…

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Photo Tips Amanda Lessner Photo Tips Amanda Lessner

Friday Photo Tip | Catchlights

To ensure there are catchlights in your subjects eyes, simply turn them into the light — or if they’re moving around, make sure you are photographing them with your back to the light so that they are facing it when you snap your image.

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Photo Tips Amanda Lessner Photo Tips Amanda Lessner

Friday Photo Tip | Uplighting

Naturally, most light falls on our faces from above — the sun, overhead lighting, etc. This is what our brain see as the most natural, pleasing way to light a face. It’s when we change our position that problems can occur…

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Business Amanda Lessner Business Amanda Lessner

The 3 Reasons I Rebranded

But then, about two weeks in, I turned off the TV (for me AND the kids…most days), spent more time outside and I slowly realized what a gift this time could be — a time to check off some things on that someday (read: never-day) list.

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Sessions Amanda Lessner Sessions Amanda Lessner

Bullock Family | Twin Newborns

The Bullocks have a sweet 2-year-old daughter, Amelia and just welcomed twins, Eloise and Henry! Watching them all interact during their lifestyle session was amazing. I could tell this  family was meant to have twins! 

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Photography Amanda Lessner Photography Amanda Lessner

Are Your Photos Safe?

It's morning. You sit down with your cup of coffee and boot up your computer. Today I'm FINALLY going to print those pictures from the baby's first birthday...and then it happens.

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Sessions Amanda Lessner Sessions Amanda Lessner

Bahler Family | Newborn Girl

About a week after baby Emma was born, the sweet Bahlers invited me into their gorgeous home for a lifestyle newborn session. I complimented Koko on her great taste in decor and eye for design. She shrugged and said, “Oh, that’s all Quincy!”…

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